Seit 1898 im Dienst der Erforschung der Geschichte des antiken Vorderen Orients Kontakt   |   Impressum   |   erstellt von datalino 2010-2025

Robert Koldewey (1855–1925)
an der Universität Frankfurt

Aktuelle Mitteilungen

21. Januar 2025
Einladung Festkolloquium Robert Koldewey (1855-1925) zum 100. Todestag

10. Januar 2025
DOG Neuigkeiten 01/2025

Weitere Mitteilungen

7. Oktober 2024
DOG Neuigkeiten 10/2024

15. August 2024
DVA Mitgliederversammlung 2024 und andere DOG-Neuigkeiten

26. Juli 2024
DOG Neuigkeiten 07/2024

alle Mitteilungen

12. Dezember 2015
Quelle: Université Libre de Bruxelles

One-year (renewable) post-doctoral Khaled al-As'ad fellowships, for refugees holding a PH.D



The applicant:


Applications must be sent by email to Angélique Greindl ( by February 15th

2016 at the latest.

Applications must include:


The Research Department ( and the International Service in the ULB’s External Relations Department can help candidates identify and contact members of ULB academic staff working in their field, in order to complete their application and design their research project.


End February/early March, applications will be submitted to the Board of the Research Council, comprising members of academic staff from the main research domains (Human and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Life Sciences), and expanded to include the Vice-Rector for International Relations and the Vice-Rector in charge of the coordination of the ULB’s actions in favour of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. The panel members will receive a copy of all applications at least two weeks before the panel meeting. They will be asked to make their selection by ranking applications on the basis of the following three criteria: the quality of the applicant, the quality of the research project and the quality of the scientific environment.





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